went to josh's house to meet up wif him and his dad. we went to to pc fair by lrt lor. save petrol save time. but it was pretty packed. anyway. the pc fair was horrible. horrible as in the amount of ppl. there is this part of the road. which is only around 20-30 meters long which i can easily get through for only like 20 sec? but ended up we got stuck there for like 20 minutes? wtf man. its a one way flow but plz , make it work lar. everyone is stuck there like stupid fella only.everyone is pushing and shouting. macam pasar malan saje..
brought a d-link router for about 200 bucks.
i love babies lar. i want a baby! anyone interested to born 1 for me ? hehehe..
after tat went back to josh place for a while. then we went out to klgcc for karaoke. then as usual. after tat we're off to rasta. but in between tat i went to pick kye li up larh. brought him along too. we played blackjack , poker there. quite fun :P but not wif real money lar.but using those token.
after tat went back to josh place for a while. then we went out to klgcc for karaoke. then as usual. after tat we're off to rasta. but in between tat i went to pick kye li up larh. brought him along too. we played blackjack , poker there. quite fun :P but not wif real money lar.but using those token.
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