Saturday, September 13, 2008

dinner@hartamas square

its been long long time since i went out wif wern. so me and her decide to go hartamas square for dinner. sissha-ed there. brought mommy , grandma , and great grandma there as well xD haha.. i sounds so young~ w00t!!
wern and i broke ian's virginity of sissha. kekeke.. evil us :P
the devil
and another one :P
the devils~
evil and the angel :P

oh. btw , im tagged =/ had been ignoring the tags tat i got but aiya. i'll do this ;) sheryiin , u should be happy :P

The rules and regulations:1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.4. No tags back!!

  1. i go out very often , i only stays at home for less then 6 hours.
  2. i sissha a lot , where used to sissha everyday but now im trying to cut down. but its one of my way to release my stress
  3. i love to hang out wif my frens. either this gang or tat gang . or should say. many gangs :D
  4. i want to modify my car but gonna save up some $$$ first :)
  5. i want to be in love
  6. i started to ponteng again these days. hope the habit will not last long =/
  7. ppl says i drive fast.
  8. im a petrol burner. pump full tank every 3-4 days
  9. i hate backstabber
  10. i love AX
  11. i wanna own my own restaurant one day :)
  12. hopefully i'll pass my term 2 , tats one of my biggest wish so far.
  13. sometimes i think doing sumthing is stupid but i still do it in the end.
  14. ppl says im flirty
  15. 7 , 11 , is my favourite number

tats it , urm.. who should i tag ? hmm.. tagging is evil. nah , screw it part :P hehe..

aite. had a good day today. nitez ppls~

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