exam's over! finally. i've never really studied so hard for exam. seriously. i believe tat all my finals paper will pass ( some wif flying colour i guess) but not to mention tat my math will fail tats for sure. credit to celes. thx for all the time and effort of u. thought me so much bout the subjects. thx u thx u MADAM XD..anyway..lou wong's 19th birthday. our group decided to celebrate it in khy li's house wif liquir and all.
birthday boy of the day
my lil pet sister.
the gang of the day wif all the whisky , vodka , kahlua and more.
was sleeping till they woke me up the next morning. hugging yi ching dog dolly..
situation of the room.
jay , patrick and lou wong
me , lou wong , geralyn , khy and celes
the sweet couple wif yiching's doggy
the chao ah beng wif jay
we went to damansara jaya for dimsum in the morning then only off to class.
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