finished another department and starting on cold kitchen 2mr. a new department. a new start. hopefully i'll do better there. so fast. traning has also gone into the 7th week. and its end in the 12th week. soon soon but not so soon. still another 5 weeks + to go. and u know. time really goes slow when ure missing someone or not enjoying certain things. anyway. thx for those who comfort me and giving support to me during this 3 days.
im feeling so free these days. i dont know wat to do during my free time. juz like yesterday. after work i went home for dinner. then stay in room till 11+ and sleep. i've never slept so early before. and i even dun feel like going out at night. can u believe it?
i always stare and keep checking on my phone hoping there is a msg or a miss call. been thinking too much i guess. phone's so quiet. not used to it.
i wanna go australia to look for u. my aim is end of march. the day after my training. but i have to save up my own money to buy air ticket and living cost there. and u know its not a small amount of money. not gonna ask mom or dad for support this time. my relationship i shall handle it my own. i also think of going there for my 2nd training which wound be around june. 3 months long as usual. hopefully i can apply there and they'll accept me as well.
wat am i gonna do later. wat am i gonna do when im free. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... my mood of going out is juz not there. how come ? why? :(
2 comments: strong man..
you still have us...
yeah. lucky i still have u all a bunch of good frens. thx :)
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