wow.. first day of college is... PASTRY CLASS! w00t!
me and my fren wee lee is in order to make muffins together.
it was successful anyway. i myself thinks tat its nice. not prasing myself but i got feedback from some other ppl wan le .
1) Chef frederick say its not bad but a but soft
2) wilson say its good. he would buy it wif $$
3) sue and her momma. they said 1 is not enough oO...
overall.. successful!! lol. first baking ever..
but monday is gonna be a boring day. computer and english class -.- gosh. need to wear formal again. but morning going to beaconhouse first. class starts at 11 so no worries.
my P.O.E is gonna be tiring. everyday will bring me to school and back suffering the JAMs..
poor thing. but i swear to god i'll give u enough of food. Shell petrol. ;)
orientation night is coming up. dress code--> PINK! lolz
beaconhouse's anual concert is coming as well.
tuesday probably going for dine-in in college coz my fren has his serving thing.
wat else ?....
oh yea.. last but not least. going out wif dear dear for the 1st ever time since last year.
weeee... guess i gonna plan i nicely.
had lots of sissha today. like really a lot. mint ice ... grape ice...
and one shit... i have to cut my hair. like real short.. :( :(
AND dye my hair back to black :( :(
WTF man..
see u soon sweetie :)